Sunday 15 June 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

Woo hoo! "Happy Birthday To Me"

42 years ago today little Shaz came into the world, what a momentous occasion that was, did you see it on the news? :)

Hey I'm not a football fan but at least it makes my 1966 birth year a memorable one for lots of people

Well my Bongo got fixed last week, had a new front differential, good as new again now!
And Dad's 80th party was lovely, he was very surprised and I'll show you some piccies very soon.

...until then, take a look at this wonderful card I received in the mail from my very good crafting pal Ruth from Tip Top Toppers she's put my Billy Bongo on, how cool is that! Thanks Ruth lovey x x

Sunday 1 June 2008

Hi there

Hi Blogland! Long time no speak!

Oooh I've had problems in Bongoland the past couple of weeks!

Its similar to Blogland but everything has 4 wheels and 8 seats and guzzles diesel and my particularly lovely Bongo is poorly at the minute - first my tyre went completely flat about half mile down the road and it turned out the valve had gone so it just blew all the air out in one blast! - then we heard very uncomfortable noises and the mechanic says it looks like we need a new wheel bearing and seal

But I'm lucky enough to have a vehicle that has a Fan Club! So I've been visiting the wonderful Bongo Fury and getting a lovely welcome and some great advice from the forum members here so if you're intrigued and fancy looking at what these Bongos are all about, take a look!

And at long last I've done some crafting! Just a card for my neice and for my workpal Nicola BUT my camera is still having to share batteries with my puter mouse so I coudnt take piccies before I had to give the cards out! - maybe I can borrow them back and blog some photos

And I'm due to make an NLP presentation to Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council on Wednesday so I'm really looking forward to that, cant wait - hang on, yes I can, cos I need to do the prep work first - 2 more days will come in handy!

Last but far from least, its Stanley's 80th Surprise Birthday this evening so I have his photo cake sat in my kitchen - so I'll steal these mouse batteries when I've said bye bye then I'll be ready to take some snaps this evening and show you

...until next time, whenever that may be, dont forget me and see ya soon! Bye where's that mousey?...