Monday 25 February 2008

Perfect 3D Photographs

Just thought I'd post some tips and ideas for selecting the perfect photos to submit for your Focus on Life 3D design!

* group photos are always good and 3D techniques give them a whole new life & dimension
* not just weddings - school photos, sports teams, stag/hen groups, family events, club groups...
* having other items in the foreground/background is even better - eg trophy presentations
* if the group looks great but your background is poor, dont worry - I can change it!
* so just think, you could be outside the off licence...but I can put you outside a manor house!
* 3D techniques can still be used in a photo with just one or two people in, we have the power!

I hope this begins to show you why each design & quotation is personal to you. Your photograph will dictate the number of "layers" that can be used - and of course, more layers gives an even greater 3D effect. Your own taste dictates the materials that can be used in the design, you may like simple, modern lines or simple embellishments - or you may like a touch more detail or glamour with gemstones, sequins, ribbons, glitter, Flowersoft etc

....until next time (when I'll share some Kaleidescope design tips!), subscribe for your regular email update from Shaz! Thanks for dropping by x

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